Summer Humidity Promotes Mold And Water Damage!

The infection grown through mold causes severe allergies and deteriorates the health condition. It doesn't matter which season it is, and an untidy surrounding will increase the chances of mold creation and hampering our health. The summer humidity with stacks of moisture in the walls promotes mold creation along with water damage. It seems like mold is worse in the summer months, from the pipes under the sink in your bathroom to the little spot above the washing machine. Mold usually thrives with high moisture in the air and surrounding.
Mold development can occur at any time of the year and in any home, but the summer season is an exceptional accumulation time. As for moisture, common issues can lead to growth, such as leaks, improper gutter installation, and basement flooding. Regarding summertime, one additional factor creates another option for colonization potential high humidity. Many kinds of mold require so little moistness that high humidity in the air can allow for transition. On the other hand, high humidity can create condensation within the home, providing a perfect water source for mold accumulation.
Between increased humidity and the additional elements that can lead to development. That's why the key to controlling mold in the summertime is maintaining a home as free from elements as possible and managing moisture within.
How can you prevent mold in the summer season?
Here are the top 3 methods that you can use to prevent mold and water damage in the summer season:-
- Maintain your air filters- To give you a cooling experience, and the AC operates over time, which means the HVAC is cycling throughout your home along with the particles. For that reason, try to switch to the highest-rated filter and change them in regular intervals to enhance the quality and maintenance of the component.
- Try to lower the humidity in kitchens and bathrooms- The humidity is the friend to mold growth and water damage, as in both these areas, there is a huge usage of water that can lead to the growth of moisture and humidity. Try to focus on creating airflow's through exhaust fans, so the humidity doesn't linger more and retains the damage and growth of mold.
- Clean the mattress- Sweating is the major element of storing humidity and moisture while sleeping; we tend to sweat during the summer season, resulting in absorption of the seat by the mattress. It is important to clean the mattress and dry it under the sun to control mold growth and provide a healthy sleeping experience.
The growth of mold doesn't depend upon the season you are dwelling with; it can occur any time of the year and represent severe health and environmental issues. Regular checking with professional mold inspection company like Bay Area Mold Pros can help you in mold inspection and mold testing written report containing recommendations and provide the right estimated solution to solve your worry. With their advisory, you can lead a healthy life and prevent mold and water damage in the summer season.
Bayareamoldspros is a leading mold inspection and mold testing company providing quality mold analysis services and helping families & businesses overcome the devastating setbacks caused by mold. Visit our website either email us or fill in the contact form on our website.We can be reached 24/7 at (650)762-6228.